Minimize the Spread of Illness in the Office

Sick at work

As we move into the fall and winter seasons, illnesses such as the flu, colds, and other viruses begin to spread more easily in shared environments like the office. With people spending more time indoors and flu season starting to pick up, it’s critical to think about how we can reduce the spread of germs in the workplace.

One easy step is to upgrade your office’s water solution. Traditional water coolers often involve shared touchpoints, such as the need to lift and replace heavy bottles or press buttons, which can increase the risk of transmitting germs. Our hands-free bottleless water dispensers offer a more hygienic, efficient, and eco-friendly option to keep your employees hydrated and healthy.

The Hands-Free Advantage

Our bottleless water dispensers offer a sleek, modern design with touchless operation, reducing the number of shared surfaces that employees come into contact with throughout the day. In an office where shared equipment can lead to cross-contamination, hands-free technology helps minimize the chance of spreading illnesses between employees, keeping your workspace healthier.

No More Bottles, No More Germs

Traditional water coolers require replacing bottles and handling dispensers, which creates opportunities for bacteria and viruses to spread through touch. By going bottleless, you not only eliminate the need for frequent deliveries and heavy lifting, but you also reduce potential health risks. The water is filtered directly from your office’s existing supply, providing clean, fresh water with far less handling involved.

Why Choose Bottleless?

  1. Healthier Office Environment: By opting for touchless water dispensers, you create fewer shared surfaces and reduce the risk of germ transmission.
  2. Sustainability: Going bottleless eliminates the waste of plastic bottles, making it an eco-friendly choice for your office.
  3. Cost-Efficiency: Save money by cutting out regular water bottle deliveries and maintenance fees.
  4. Convenience: Never worry about running out of water or replacing heavy bottles again.

Stay Healthy This Season

As we head into flu season, investing in a hands-free water dispenser can play a small yet significant role in maintaining a healthier office environment. With fewer shared touchpoints, you reduce the potential for illness to spread, helping keep your employees safe, hydrated, and productive.

Ready to take a hands-free approach? 

Schedule a meeting with us to learn more about our bottleless water dispensers and how they can benefit your office this flu season and beyond!