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Water: The Secret Ingredient to Your Company’s Success

By: Yael Kirschner

Water at work

There is often talk about the importance of water in general. But what about the significance of drinking water while working?! Let’s go through some of the top reasons why drinking water is critical to one’s productivity in the office.  

  1. The brain, which is the powerhouse to the human body, needs hydration to function properly. Concentration and focus are both affected by dehydration. If an employee is not drinking enough water, their brain will not function up to par with what an employer may expect.
  2. Studies also point to water affecting our mental health. Mild dehydration has correlations with fatigue and anxiety. Drinking water while on the job will help an employee remain energized throughout the day.
  3. Besides the important cognitive and emotional reasons to drink water, this simple act will also protect one’s overall health. Water helps maintain the balance of body fluids, keeps your kidneys in decent shape and allows for normal bowel function. Keeping employees healthy should be of utmost importance to employers, no matter the company! 

While providing water to employees is clearly beneficial for everyone in the office, there is one huge concern that often comes up: cost. Luckily, offices can provide a clean, cold, time efficient and cost-effective water system using DRP’s bottleless water dispensers. If you want to read more about how we can help you save money, click here.  

If you are interested in learning about saving money with our great-tasting, bottleless, filtered water dispensers, please connect with one of DRP Solutions’ Technology Consultants for a FREE, no-commitment assessment.

For additional information about DRP Solutions’ water solutions, be sure to contact us today. Â